Hazy golden caramel in color with a thick creamy head, this Double IPA is a bit milder than other entries in the style. This beer pours with a thick, sticky, off-white head but is only lightly carbonated.
There’s a mild, citrusy aroma which leans towards grapefruit with hints of pine. It’s full yet smooth bodied with some up front bready malt flavor. The finish has the bitter IPA tang which always reminds me of dandelions.
The more you drink the more that tang fades away to hints of tropical fruit that’s enjoyable in moderate proportions. The FAT BOY clocks in at 8% ABV but is surprisingly smooth. It doesn’t have the kick, or bite, that I expected.
Why That Glass?
Double IPAs (And Imperial IPAs) are stronger flavored beers and have a higher alcohol content. Normally those factors would point me towards a tulip glass or a snifter.
Mostly out of convenience I went with a nonic pint. The nonic pint is a larger vessel capable of handling the one pint can … sometimes it’s all about convenience.
More About this Double IPA
Big Elm Brewing brews FAT BOY Double IPA as a specialty beer. I’m not sure if this means seasonal or just occasional.
You can buy it in four packs of one pint cans.